Troubleshooting – How to fix p0sixspwn jailbreak errors iOS 6.1.3 – 6.1.6

We noticed, there were so many comments available from our readers about the p0sixspwn jailbreak errors iOS 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5 & 6.1.6. Most of the users have failed to jailbreak & get Cydia for their devices using p0sixspwn untethered. So, we decided to publish an article as a support for all users those who got trouble with jailbreaking p0sixspwn to get success because; there are no any complete troubleshooting guide in the web for p0sixspwn.The most of the jailbreak errors which comes with p0sixspwn are Windows base. Normally p0sixspwn jailbreak Windows version doesn’t work for everyone at every time. Therefore, you have to find Mac computer to jailbreak your device with p0sixspwn if following all didn’t work for you. However, no of p0sixspwn errors can fix as bellow.

How to prepare for p0sixpwn jailbreak ?

  • Install iTunes version 11.1.4 or 11.1.5 or 11.2.2
  • Backup your device with iTunes
  • Turn Off Passcode & all security locks of your idevice
  • make sure to reserve 3-4 GB free space in your device
  • Disable your iTunes backup password. Untick the option “Encrypt Local Backup” in itunes
  • Disable antivirus program on your computer

Troubleshooting p0sixspwn for Windows users

>> p0sixspwn Run as Administrator

Windows users must need to extract the p0sixspwn jailbreak program directly to C: drive. As well as run the the program as an administrator (Right click on the program & select “Run as administrator”).

>> Error – “p0sixspwn requires iTunes 9 or above !”

This is the most common error that associates with p0sixspwn jailbreak. If you are with latest iTunes versions as 12.1.1, 12.1.2 most probably this error will come. Therefor you have to downgrade iTunes for find solution. Many users have got success using installed iTunes version 11.1.4 to 11.2.2. So, we recommend to downgrading iTunes from latest versions to old version iTunes 11.1.5

How to downgrade iTunes ? 

  1. Go to “Control Panel” –>”Uninstall a program”
  2. Uninstall Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support & iTunes as the order
  3. Delete the folder “iTunes” which is located in C:Users[your username]Music
  4. Restart the computer
  5. Download iTunes 11.1.5 & install

>> Error 03 – “Jailbreak failed” at performing magic

You can try one of follows;

  • Change the USB port that you have connected your device to the computer
  • Reboot both your device & PC, then try again
  • p0sixspwn run with compatibility mode Windows XP (for Windows 7 users -right click on the program->select “Properties”->select “Compatibility” tab-> select compatibility mode as Windows XP(service pack 3)->tick “Run this program as an administrator” )
  • Switch to another PC & try jailbreak
  • Restore the device using iTunes & try again

>> Stuck on “Waiting for device to reboot..”

Hold down the power & home button together until device turn off & again turn the device on (stay connect the device to the computer). Then it will continue the progress from there. If it is not worked, reboot both your device & computer & try again jailbreak process from the beginning.

>> p0sixspwn close/stuck in “performing magic..”

May fix by program runs in Windows XP compatibility mode. Also some users have managed successfully jailbreak by updating iTunes after the “performing magic..” error.

>> Error – Device already jailbroken – but Cydia not shown

Most of the cases, users inform they cannot find Cydia on their home screen. Then they try to jailbreak again for Cydia & program says device is already jailbroken. So, fully restore your device using iTunes & jailbreak again with p0sixspwn. Other-vice, you can jailbreak & tethered boot with redsn0w, then open Cydia search and install p0sixspwn untethered package.

Windows 8 users can use p0sixspwn to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3-6.1.6 ?

Yes you can. If get some issues ? Try to run p0sixspwn program in Windows 7 compatibility mode.

Troubleshooting p0sixspwn for Mac users

Most of the time p0sixspwn well work with Mac platform. But, p0sixspwn may get crash after rebooting the device on Mac. Then, Mac users can try p0sixspwn 1.0.2 for jailbreak.

Actually jailbreak with p0sixspwn may produce issues more than the other untethered tools. But most of them are solvable. So, we hope this help & work for you. Comment us your experience, it will help others as you.

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View Comments (44)

  • Hi, p0sixpwn crash for me on the computer any time i try to do the jailbreak. (first it crashed when i pressed jailbreak then it started crashing after the first reboot but nothing changes on the phone)
    i run iox 10.8.5 on this macbook, i have itunes on the comp, on the iphone i have 6.1.4. can anyone help?

  • I uninstalled ITunes 12 and then couldn't get my computer to install ANY older version of ITunes. The installer would go all the way to the end, then rollback the changes and tell me errors were encountered. What's up with this? What else can I try?

    • All those suggestions failed?? So, p0sixspwn jailbreak Windows version doesn’t work for everyone at every time. Therefore, you may have to find Mac computer for complete task..

  • please help! my itunes setup 11.1.5 wont work it just says "this app cant run on your PC" "to find a version on your PC, check with the software publisher" what do i do? (im using windows 8)

    • Please download 11.1.5 version again. You can see 64 bit and 32 bit 2 versions. Download correct one and run again. This is working properly for Windows 8

  • I jailbroke my Ipod 4g with this. it said it succeeded but no cydia on home page and my ipod keeps restarting after 5 minutes! please help my backup is corrupt also!

      • I did reboot. I turn my Ipod on and I can do everything with a bit of lag for about 5 minutes before see a white screen flash then go black followed by the apple logo. p0sixspwn says my Idevice is jailbroken but cydia is not on the homescreen. I cannot use a backup as that is corrupt. Ifunbox says I have a program called cydia app install but I can't find it on my ipod. Also thank you for the fast reply.

        • Jailbreak your device using redsn0w & tethered boot. Then open Cydia, search and install p0sixspwn untethered package. Other vice you have to restore your device with iTunes then jailbreak again with p0sixspwn

          • THANKS!!!!! It worked. I did reset my Ipod but only after copying all files with IfunBox. once again THANKS!!!!

  • I run Windows 10 on my microsoft surface pro 3.
    n i got stuck in "performing music".
    i've already tried to run the program in compatibility mode (windows 7, windows 8 n windows XP), but i still got stuck in the same process.
    i followed all the instructions of deleting the itunes 12.?.? version, then downloaded the version.
    my iPod 4G's latest available update is ios 6.1.6, but most of the apps need ios 7 to run properly, so that's why i want to jailbreak my ipod.
    i reli like using my ipod 4G, n not planning to buy the latest ipod as it's a bit expensive.
    plz reply asap, thz a lot.