Cydia Jailbreak

Jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod & install Cydia [iOS 14 – 5]

This is an ultimate guide to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad & iPod running iOS 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 and install Cydia. You can find official download links for all available real jailbreak tools and tutorials guides on how to jailbreak.

What is jailbreaking ?

  • Disable OS restrictions
  • Gain full access to device
  • Install 3rd-party apps & tools

The process which breaks restrictions & limitations on Apple’s iOS is called jailbreak. This gains root access to your device. Normally, Apple doesn’t allow to install 3rd party applications like Cydia & customize the iPhone, iPad or iPod. Simply, jailbreak removes all barriers on iOS and allows limitless customization for users.

What is Cydia ?

Cydia is the best ever App Store alternative for jailbroken iPhone, iPad & iPod. You can use Cydia just like Apple App Store for browse, download & install tons of amazing 3rd-party apps & tweaks, add-ons, extensions easily. Jailbreaking is the one and only way to install Cydia for any iOS device.

How to jailbreak ?

There for special software are developed to jailbreak iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch devices. person or a team, who have significant knowledge & talent about iOS, develop jailbreak tool for the specific iOS version/versions. All most all latest jailbreak tools are installed Cydia automatically during the jailbreaking process. We have made tutorial guides for how to jailbreak iPhone, iPad or iPod using each & every jailbreaking software currently available.

Select your Jailbreak compatible iOS version to Download Cydia application

Jailbraek iOS 14Jailbraek iOS 14

Click Here –  Jailbreak and Download Cydia for iOS 14

Jailbreak iOS 13 and 12Jailbreak iOS 13 and 12

Click Here –  iOS 13 /iOS 12 Unc0ver Jailbreak to install Cydia for Your Device

What is the best jailbreak tool for my device ?

It is depending on the following factors;

  • iOS version
  • Device model
  • Device architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Your computer (Windows or Mac)

iOS 11 jailbreak

Currently iOS 11 jailbreak publicly available and support up to iOS 11.3.1. You can install fully working Cydia for iOS 11 with Electra jailbreak tool kit.

Electra jailbreak for iOS 11

Well known Tweak developer & hacker, Coolstar was developed this tool for iOS 11 including working Cydia. Initial release of Electra jailbreak tool is supported for iOS 11 – 11.1.2  running device. After that, Electra1131 updated version has released with Cydia and compatible for iOS 11.2 – 11.3.1 jailbreak. This tool supports 64-bit devices including iPhone X.

iOS 10 jailbreak

Yes, you can jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 10 running devices with Yalu Jailbreak, Saigon jailbreak or h3lix jailbreak. iOS 10 jailbreak supports for all 32-bit devices & 64-bit devices running iOS 10 – 10.2.1.

iOS 9 jailbreak

You can jailbreak iOS 9 all versions with working Cydia and substrate. Supports for both 32-bit devices & 64-bit devices. There are several tools available for jailbreak iOS 9 versions and semi-untethered type.

iOS 8 jailbreak

Fully untethered jailbreak available for all versions (except iOS 8.4.1) of iOS 8. iOS 8 jailbreak supports 64-bit / 32 bit all devices to Cydia download as well. You can download Following jailbreak tools for jailbreak your iOS 8 running device

iOS 7 jailbreak

You can jailbreak & install Cydia for iOS 7 any version running iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch device. iOS 7 jailbreak is fully untethered. Following jailbreak tools support to download Cydia iOS 7 for your device

iOS 6 jailbreak

Available fully untethered jailbreak to download Cydia for all versions of iOS 6 running iPhone, iPad & iPod. firmware. These are the iOS 6 jailbreak tools available you to download compatible with your firmware version

iOS 5 jailbreak

Download Redsn0w jailbreak & install Cydia for iOS 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.1 & 5.1.1 running iPhone, iPad & iPod devices.

How To Jailbreak ? – Tutorial + Official Download Links

Keen Jailbreak

This is the one & only jailbreak for iOS 11 we have seen ever. The Team of the professionals of security researchers is called KeenLab develops this jailbreak. The Keen jailbreak supports to Cydia install for iOS 10.3.2 to iOS 11.1.1 running devices.

Download Keen jailbreak – Actually, this is the upcoming & developing jailbreak for iOS 11. No released for the public yet. We’ll update the download link & tutorial guide right after it released.

Saïgon jailbreak

Saigon is a new jailbreak tool available for iOS 10. This jailbreak is developed by the Abraham Masri (@cheesecakeufo) and currently compatible with all 64-bit iPhone, iPad & iPod on iOS 10.2.1 only. Saigon is semi-untethered jailbreak tool.

Download Saigon jailbreak (Official) :

For 64-bit devices, iOS 10.2.1
Saigon_beta2.ipa – download

Tutorial :

Yalu Jailbreak

Security researcher & hacker, Luca Todesco developed the Yalu jailbreak for iOS 10. This jailbreak supports to Cydia install for iOS 10 – 10.2 and 64-bit iPhone, iPad & iPod devices. This is semi-untethered jailbreak, you can download the IPA file and install with Cydia Impactor tool for your idevice.

There are number of modified versions of Yalu jailbreak available such as match-portal, yalu102, extra_recipe & extra_cydia

Download Yalu jailbreak : 

For iPhone 7/7+, iOS 10 – 10.1.1
extra_recipe+yaluX beta4.ipa – download

For all 64-bit devices (except iPhone 7/7+), iOS 10 – 10.2
yalu102_beta7.ipa – download

For all 64-bit devices (except iPhone 7/7+), iOS 10 – 10.2
Yalu Dark Jailbreak v13.0.ipa- download

For all 64-bit devices (except iPhone 7/7+), iOS 10 – 10.2
extra_recipe-cydia-35fb681.ipa- download

Tutorials :

Phoenix Jailbreak

This is the semi-untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.3.5 for all 32-bit devices. This jailbreak was developed by the two well-known iOS hackers, tihmstarSiguza. You can download the IPA file & install with Cydia Impactor for your device get Cydia.

Download Phoenix jailbreak (official links):

For all 32-bit devices, iOS 9.3.5
Phoenix4.ipa- download

Tutorials :

Home Depot Jailbreak

This is the semi-untethered jailbreak developed by the iOS hacker, jk9357. Home Depot jailbreak supports to Cydia download for any 32-bit iPhone, iPad & iPod on iOS 9.1 – 9.3.4. After installing Cydia, you can download the UntetherHomeDepot package in Cydia and convert Home Depot to fully untethered.

Download Home Depot jailbreak (official link):

For all 32-bit devices, iOS 9.1 – 9.3.4
MixtapPlayerRC3.ipa- download

Tutorials :

Pangu Jailbreak

This is one of the latest jailbreak tool among users. This jailbreak was developed by the a group of Chinese hackers called Team Pangu. They have released number of jailbreak tools for the public with support to Cydia install for iOS 7, iOS 8 & iOS 9 three major iOS versions now. Also, Pangu Team has demoed iOS 10.3 / 10.3.1 jailbreak at a Chinese Mobile security conference, but not yet released.

Mainly, two versions of iOS 9 jailbreak tools released by the Pangu.

  1. Pangu iOS 9 – 9.0.2 Untethered jailbreak for 32-bit devices (Windows / Mac)
  2. Pangu iOS 9 – 9.1 Untethered jailbreak for 64-bit devices (Windows / Mac)
  3. Pangu iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3 Semi-untethered jailbreak for 64-bit devices only

Pangu jailbreak for iOS 8 only supports iOS 8.o – 8.1 running devices. This is fully untethered jailbreak available to download with Windows or Mac. Pangu’s iOS 8 jailbreak compatible for both 64-bit & 32-bit devices as well.

Pangu’s first jailbreak released for the iOS 7 with support all devices on iOS 7.1 – 7.1.2. This is also untethered jailbreak supports Windows & Mac.

Download Pangu jailbreak (official links) : 

For all 64-bit devices, iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3
NvwaStone_1.1.ipa- download

For all devices, iOS 9.0 – 9.1
Pandu9_v1.3.2.exe (Windows) – download
pangu9_mac_v1.1.dmg (Mac) – download

For all devices, iOS 8 – 8.1
Pangu8_v1.2.1.exe (Windows) – download
Pangu8_v1.0.0.dmg (Mac) – download

For all devices, iOS 7.1 – 7.1.2
Pangu_v1.2.1.exe (Windows) – download
Pangu_v1.2.dmg (Mac) – download

Tutorials :

EtasonJB Jailbreak

This is the untethered jailbreak recently released for iOS 8. EtasonJB jailbreak was developed by the prominent iOS hacker, tihmstar. This supports to Cydia installall all 32-bit devices running iOS 8.4.1 only.

Download EtasonJB jailbreak (official links) : 

For all 32-bit devices, iOS 8.4.1
etasonJB-RC2.ipa- download

Tutorials :

TaiG Jailbreak

TaiG is a another jailbreak tool released for iOS 8 by the Chinese hackers. This untethered jailbreak solution compatible with both 32-bit & 64-bit devices as well.

TaiG has released two versions of jailbreak tools for iOS 8. (In addition, they have released another version for jailbreak iOS 8.2 beta2).

  1. TaiG for iOS 8 – 8.1.2 Untethered jailbreak for all iOS devices (Windows)
  2. TaiG for iOS 8.1.3 – 8.4 Untethered jailbreak for all iOS devices (Windows / Mac)

Download TaiG jailbreak (official links) :

For all devices, iOS 8  – 8.1.2 (Windows) – download

For all devices, iOS 8.1.3 – 8.4
TaiGJBreak_EN-v245_5266.exe (Windows) – download
TaiGJBreak_v110.dmg (Mac) – download

Tutorials :

PP Jailbreak

PP assistant has developed untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 8 users. It has two versions to Cydia download for iOS 8 – 8.4 running iPhone, iPad & iPod.

  1. PP jailbreak for iOS 8 – 8.1.2 (Mac)
  2. PP jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3 – 8.4 (Windows/Mac)

Download PP jailbreak (official links) :

For all devices, iOS 8  – 8.1.2
ppjailbreak.dmg (Mac) – download

For all devices, iOS 8.1.3 – 8.4
PPGhostStetup.exe (Windows) – download
ppjailbreak2.dmg (Mac) – download

Tutorials :

evasi0n jailbreak

evasi0n jailbreak was developed by the evad3rs Team. They have released two versions of  jailbreak for iOS 7 & iOS 6.  This is an untethered jailbreak and you can download with your Windows or Mac or Linux computer

  1. evasi0n jailbreak for iOS 6 – 6.1.2 iPhone, iPad, iPod [Windows/Mac/Linux]
  2. evasi0n7 for iOS 7 – 7.0.6 iPhone, iPad, iPod [Windows/Mac]

Download evasi0n jailbreak (official links) :

For all devices, iOS 7.0 – 7.0.6
evasi0n7 v1.0.7 (Windows) – download
evasi0n7 v1.0.5 (Mac) – download

For all devices, iOS 6.0 – 6.1.2
evasi0n v1.5.2 (Windows) – download
evasi0n v1.5.3 (Mac) – download
evasi0n v1.5.3 (Linux) – download

Tutorials :

p0sixspwn Jailbreak

This jailbreak developed by iH8sn0w, winocm and SquiffyPwn for Cydia download iOS 6.1.3 – iOS 6.1.6 running iPhone, iPad & iPod. P0sixpwn jailbreak is untethered type & available to install your device with a computer.

Download p0sixspwn jailbreak (official links) :

For all devices, iOS 6.1.3  – 6.1.6 (Windows) – download (Mac) – download

Tutorials :

Redsn0w jailbreak

Redsn0w is one of the best jailbreak tool developed by iPhone Dev Team. This jailbreak works for both Mac and Windows. You can jailbreak iPhone, iPad & iPod on iOS 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.1 & 5.1.1 untetheredly & iOS 6.0.1 tetheredly with Redsn0w.

Download Redsn0w jailbreak (official links) :

For devices, iOS 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Windows) – download (Mac) – download

3UTools Jailbreak

You can follow 3UTools application before jailbreak your device. This is all in one solution for Apple users. 3UTools application is also ready with jailbreak process. We can recommend to use this application for all Cydia users. Because most Cydia features are ready with this application.

Tutorial :

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