Cydia Download and Install without PC / without Jailbreak. How YOU can install Cydia ?

Most users are installing application name called Cydia for your devices without Cydia and without Jailbreak. Are you already installed these apps ? Yes, This review will be useful to all users who are willing to install Cydia application.

Cydia Download without PC and Jailbreak

This method mainly involve with web based applications. Can install Cydia with web based applications ? No, All web based applications are profile applications. Most of these apps are not real Cydia applications because these apps unable to install Cydia. Please follow our installer app to download real Cydia for your device.


Can install Cydia without Jailbreak ? Cydia is a third party App store which consist hundreds of apps. These apps can use to customize your device. Please look at Saurik Message about Cydia.


This message clearly mentioned for users to install process of Cydia. Therefore why you are installing unwanted Cydia named apps to your device with more risk. Most of Cydia named apps will harm to your device with variety of ways.

How to install real Cydia ? Please follow above download button to get it for your device. This simple installer will help you to do it properly.

Cydia application is  not support for iOS 10.2.1 running devices. But you have can install Cydia application other iOS versions properly. Please follow our iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch guides to get it for your device. Please keep in mind to follow our instructions properly before use jailbreak tools.

Cydia for iPhone / Cydia for iPad / Cydia for iPod Touch

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Ten Cydia apps without Cydia/Jailbreak

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