Download Cydia for iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 with Pangu jailbreak – How to prepare?
According to the rumors, Pangu ready to release jailbreak for iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3. So, this may be really good news for iOS users to download Cydia for their iPhone, iPad & iPod devices running latest iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 versions. Are you ready to get Cydia for your device with jailbreak by Pangu ? Here we like to mention how to prepare for upcoming jailbreak.At the Mobile Security Conference (MOSEC 2016) was held in Shanghai, Pangu team demonstrated Cydia running on iOS 10 with working jailbreak. In that event, Pangu has hinted about plans to release iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 jailbreak. They are not specified the release date but, Jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 will be released soon in the near future. Most probably after official iOS 9.3.3 release.
Few days ago, the Italian hacker Luca Todesco also demoed Cydia on iOS 9.3.2 with browser-based jailbreak.
Follow – iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak by Luca Todesco
How to prepare to jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 ?
- Check whether your device is compatible
We are waiting for jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3. So, please make sure your device is running on latest firmware versions before enter the jailbreak & download Cydia. You can simply check it by go to Settings -> General -> About, then check the version. It will be possible to jailbreak & install Cydia with Pangu for iPhone 6S/6S Plus+, 6/6 Plus, SE, 5S, 5C, 5, 4S iPad Pro 12.9/9.7, Air 2, Air, 4G, 3G, 2, Mini 4, Mini 3, Mini 2, Mini iPod Touch 6, 5
- Install iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 using iTunes
The firmware upgraded via OTA affects Pangu a lot and usually causes jailbreak to fail. Did you update your firmware via OTA? Please install a fresh copy of iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 with iTunes before jailbreak and it will increase the success rate.
- Make a fully backup your device
Please backup your device before using Pangu. We strongly suggest you backup your data via iTunes before jailbreak. This will protect your valuable data if something wrong during the jailbreak process.
Ok, these are the important preparation prior to jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3. Pangu will mention some other minor preparations with the jailbreak release. Please strictly follow jailbreak instructions to success your Cydia installation.
Note : You are still not allow to Cydia download for iOS 9.2 & later versions. Pangu not yet released tool for jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 compatible and we are waiting for that. We are ready to publish a fully tutorial guide for how to install Cydia for iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 using Pangu jailbreak when it alive. Touch with for more details..
Update 1 :
Apple released iOS 9.3.3 final version for iPhone, iPad & iPod. However, Pangu still not released any jailbreak tool compatible for Cydia download iOS 9.3.3 / 9.3.2 versions running devices. Please be careful, Some fake news / tools are circulating in the web claiming jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 / 9.3.3 but those fake tools unable to install Cydia on your device.
Update 2 :
Pangu released jailbreak for iOS 9.2 -9.3.3 !
Current jailbreak status for Cydia download
- For iOS 9 – 9.1 : Cydia download available with Pangu jailbreak
- For iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3 : Now can Cydia download with latest Pangu jailbreak tool (*New)
Can you notify me when jailbreak for ios 9.3.2 is released ?
Ok, Pls touch with us. Install CyHelper with
Is it possible to download Cydia if phone is already jailbroaken?
Cydia only can be downloaded with jailbreak process. If Cydia has accidentally removed on your jailbroken device, there are some ways to get it back.
Please when Cydia for iOS 9.2 will come out thank U
Pls Bookmark us, We will inform to you. Many scam sites will install fake Cydia apps to devices.
Can you plz inform me when jailbreak for 9.3.3 comes out
Yes Sure, Touch with us using
Can you get pangu for free
Yes. Pangu allows to get their jailbreak tools all users for free! Please wait until release Pangu latest tool for users..
Can you tell me when jailbreak to 9.3.2 will be released
Pangu already demoed Jailbreak and install Cydia for iOS 9.3.2 & iOS 10. Please touch with us until jailbreak released for users
How i know when its installed
Please follow –
Let me know when jailbreak ready plz..
Please install jailbreak checking tool with
Download the new Cydia
Cydia latest version will install with jailbreak process. Saurik already updated tool with new interface
Thanks for the cydia
Thank you
I wanna get a fantastic cydia app
Can I get cydia please
Cydia not compatible with above iOS 9.1 – Check status with
I want to download it… But i am afraid of that if it will effect my phone…
And even I don’t know how to download it…
Pangu will release jailbreak tool soon for users. Please bookmark us
I want to download cydia for ios 9.3.2
Sry Guy, iOS 9.3.2 devices unable to install Cydia now. Touch with us with cyHelper – Follow
When will cydia be downloadable for IOS 9.3.2 ?
Most users are asking about release date. Sry unable to mention date.
I love cydia to much
I want to downloadc cydia
for ios 9.3.2
hello sir
i want to jailbreak my iphone 5c iso 9.3.2
can u please guide me how can i jailbreak my iphone 5c
thank you
Touch with us, we’ll publish step-by-step information for you just after iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak released
Jailbreak 9.3.2

I want to download cydia for ios 9.3.2
Sorry me again I have updated my phone my current version is 9.3.3 thank you plz inform me
Ok, Better to touch with our mobile installer
Does not work plz reply
Es muy Bueno descargenlos
can anyone help me jailbreak my iphone i really want to but i dont know what i need or wat to do :{
What’s your iOS version?
Does not work plz reply
Please inform me if 9.3.3 are done please thanks
Please use Pangu to jailbreak & install Cydia. Follow this tutorial
Install cydia 9.3.2
Follow PC method to install Cydia application –
How to install Cydia
Please follow this post –
Hello i have iphone 4s ios 9.3.2 can u help me to JB? Pls
Sorry, Pangu is only compatible with 64 bit devices.
hello. i’ve ipad 2 in ios 9.3.5 ver. since no jailbreak of this ver. now, can i jb in lower ver. such as ios 9.3.3 instead? pls.
Yes iOS 9.3.3 can jailbreak successfully. Please follow Our installer
iPhone 5
iPhone 5 devices can install Cydia. Please follow our guides