How to install Cydia for iOS 9.3.3 using Pangu jailbreak without a computer? [Updated]

How to install Cydia for iOS 9.3.3 using Pangu jailbreak without a computer? [Updated]

Do you want to Cydia download for your iPhone, iPad or iPod with new Pangu iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak without using a computer? Yes this updated method now allows you to jailbreak iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3 via your mobile Safari browser with Pangu.aa1Before this, Totoa Team had provided a way to jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 using Safari with No computer. Unfortunately Apple closed that pathway causes unable to jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 without a computer. However using the new method has updated, that allows user to install Cydia for iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3 with Pangu jailbreak without need a computer.

These are instructions how to install Cydia with Pangu jailbreak for iPhone, iPad & iPod on iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3 without using a computer. Other good things which come with new method are, you do not provide your Apple ID & Password information & you can have 1 year enterprise certificate for your jailbreak. This is much easy & fast way to get Pangu for your device & jailbreak to install Cydia

Supported devices jailbreak without a computer

Only supports 64-bit devices such as;

  • iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE
  • iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro
  • iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4
  • iPod touch 6G
aaClick Here To install Pangu Jailbreak

How to jailbreak & install Cydia with Pangu via Safari? [iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3]

  1. Click on above link with Safari browser on your iOS device
  2. Tap on “Open” button
  3. Tap on the “Install” button
  4. Go to home screen, you can see the Pangu/PP app is “Loading..”. As soon as you see it terns to the “Installing..” quickly switch to the Airplane Mode
  5. After successfully installed Pangu/PP app on your Homescreen, please make sure sure turn off Airpplane Mode
  6. Now you should have to verify the enterprise developer profile of Pangu/PP app.Go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “Profiles & device Management” -> Select Beijing Hong Yuan Online Technology from the list of Enterprise Apps -> tap on “Verify App” -> tap on “Verify” again
  7. Go to your Home screen & open Pangu/PP app. Click “OK” to allow push notifications and tap on the circle to jailbreak your device. (Unlike to install Chinese PP App Store, then untick small check box just bellow the circle)
  8. Manually lock your device by pressing the Turn OFF/ON button. You will receive a notification that says your device has been successfully jailbroken. The device will automatically respring & you can see Cydia on your Home screen.!

Now you all ready to customize your idevice. Launch Cydia on your device, there are thousands of amazing apps, themes, extensions available to modify your device. You can find best Cydia apps & tweaks in bellow list..

Unable to jailbreak your device with this method? Follow more stable & official method to jailbreak & install Cydia for your device using Pangu & Cydia Impactor.

79 Comments on “How to install Cydia for iOS 9.3.3 using Pangu jailbreak without a computer? [Updated]

  1. Can’t get it to work it keeps it keeps on shutting my device down and when I turn it on Cydia isn’t install anybody know a solution to it

    • I have just installed Cydia got a few tweaks left the house for a couple of hours I come back my device hasn’t been shutdown or anything and my Cydia is gone, I went to the pp app and still it said I was on jailbreak mode I tried deleting the pp app and redownloading it again and I kept trying until I got bored so I was wondering if anyone could help

  2. I HAVE DONE EVERY STEP SUCCESSFULLY NOW, HOW AM I GOING TO KNOW IF THE JAILBREAK IS ON PROCESS ? I tapped the big circle on the pangu app then lock my phone then it restarted then What now? Am i allowed to open my phone or what? Haha THANKS .

  3. “Manually lock your device by pressing the Turn OFF/ON button. You will receive a notification that says your device has been successfully jailbroken” How long i receive a notification?
    I wait 20m I not receive notif and my LCD blank

    • Notification will be remove and Cydia,Pangu/PP with your home screen. If not power off and on the device and see..

  4. How do i remove the cydia?
    As i dont want it anymore.
    I think i cant play pokemon go due to cydia . How do i remove it please help me

  5. It’s not working properly
    When I try to run cydia xmodegames(downloaded from cydia) and that Chinese app store it’s just crash and go back to my home screen
    I tried to delete cydia by resetting my phone and all data gone but cydia xmode and the Chinese store just keep being here….
    I did put cydia run again but now it’s saying that have some error I can’t search or add any source to delete cydia

    • Please backup your device and use PC to jailbreak your device.
      You can download latest versions with our direct download links. Please follow instructions properly.

  6. I used the safari method to jailbreak my ipad but when i did it i shut down my ipad when the storage full message appeared now i Tried to jailbreak it againg and says it was successful but there’s no cydia

    • When we press sleep button. Two messages will display.
      1.Storage full message
      2.Pangu message
      Wait an observe Pangu/PP jailbreak. Please ignore Storage full message.
      Then you can see device is respring and Cydia will appear with your iDevice.

      Important thing is backup your device before run Pangu jailbreak.
      Any failure with Safari method, Please download tool and use Windows/MAC computer to install Cydia with Pangu

  7. You are so cool. Its awesome you respond to peoples questions even when they keep asking the same ones. I recently got my 1st iphone – 5s 9.3.3. Been looking into JB for 2weeks, but nervous with all the troubles I see posted.

    QUESTION pls – As of today, is best bet to get a working JB with the PC method? if yes,
    – do I have to renew certificate every 7 days even if the phone is never turned off, and does it have to be exactly on the 7th day?
    – do I have to create a new apple burner ID each time I go through the renewall process?

    Thank you so much for your time to help all of us. From me its really appreciated.

  8. i tried the jailbreak with no computer. but after jailbreaking, the cydia app did not show up. and the the pphelper app directs me to the chinese app instead..

  9. hii…. it doesn’t work for me when it will finish to download it says that pp can not be download at this time ive tried 3 time but in vain

  10. please help me as I finished the steps my iphone malfunctioned, I can’t even enter into its environment. please help me

    • What is the error message ? Any error please reboot your device & see.
      Please use Pangu Windows method to jailbreak your device

  11. I followed through all the steps. After my device rebooted and I went into pp and it showed I’m jailbroken, I don’t see Cydia. I’ve tried factory resetting my device and doing it again but same result. Any tips on what I should do? iPad Air btw if it helps

    • After Pangu App installed set device into airplane mode. This mode will give proper safe jailbreak.
      Please backup your device before run jailbreak tool.

  12. so i follow the steps put it in airplane mode no wifi and it stops if i put it in airplane with wifi it says camt be installed at this time help!!!! as i need mugen and capcom vs marvel for ios

    • What you mean “Airplane mode with WiFi” ?? When you put your device to Airplane mode, WiFi & Cellular connection will be disabled. Please try again.. Make sure to turn on Airplane mode at right time (As soon as it turns “downloading..” to “installing..”)

  13. Running iOS 9.3.3, ran, installed pangu successfully, big circle, closed iPad, got the notification and storage message, done it 4 times now and still no cydia app
    Any ideas?

  14. Can someone help me please when I try to install the Pangu app just before it’s done it has a message which says that it can’t be downloaded at this moment what should I do?

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