Cydia for iOS 9 & 10 running iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

More than 90% of Apple users are already updated their devices for iOS 9 & iOS 10. Actually iOS 9 users are lucky to install Cydia for their devices. More than 60% of users are with iOS 10 & more than 30% users are with iOS 9. Most of them are willing to install Cydia application to their iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. We like to give all required information to get Cydia for your iOS 9,10.


All Apple users are lucky to install this application to their devices. This will help to install Cydia application to your iOS 10-3 running devices. Actually iOS 10 jailbreak tool already developed by Pangu team & they are willing to release this solution for pubic. Please keep this Cydia installation helper with your Apple device to install Cydia application.


Also Read :

iOS 10 Jailbreak & install Cydia Review

Pangu Message for iOS 10 jailbreak

Can Cydia install for iOS 9 ? Yes, Chinese security research Pangu team were given solution to install Cydia application up to iOS 9.3.3 devices. This means iOS 9.3.4 & iOS 9.3.5 devices unable to jailbreak with Pangu latest version. If you are with iOS 9.3.4-9.3.5, Please upgrade your device to iOS 10. Because you can feel jailbreak/Cydia installation features recently after jailbreak release.

How to find Cydia for any iOS ?

We recommend to follow this tool to install Cydia application to all iOS versions. Most fake Cydia name called applications will cause damage your device. Therefore cyHelper will so much help to your device. This application can keep with your device if you love to Cydia applications.

When iOS 10 jailbreak release ?

Actually jailbreak application already developed by Pangu team. We have seen MOSEC conference their response to the iOS 10. Also famous iOS hacker already demoed his iPhone 7 Jailbreak and Cydia installation. Pangu jailbreak public release will come soon.

Is Jailbreak and Cydia free ?

Yes, Cydia and jailbreak applications released as freeware for users. Saurik is the great man who developed Cydia application. Cydia is one and only Apple app store alternative application. Follow cyHelper every iOS update to install Cydia application.

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