Cydia on iOS 10 – Jailbreak demo by Luca Todesco [Video]

Apple to all set release new iOS 10 firmware update for the public in end of this month. So, the story we are going to say will be very interested for Cydia jailbreak lovers. The latest release – iOS 10 beta 8 has been jailbroken by the hacker.

Well known hacker, Luca Todesco has released a video to YouTube that shows process of jailbreak & Cydia on a iPad running iOS 10 beta 8 that recently released. The jailbreak is named as yaluX jailbreak & works with iPhone 5S and above devices.


This is not Luca’s first jailbreak attempt. He has already demode iOS 9.2, 9.2.1, 9.3, 9.3.2, 9.3.3 & 9.3.4 jailbreak as well. But, he never shared any of his jailbreak solution with public users. You can find more details about Luca’s early jailbreak in bellow..

iOS 10 jailbreak history

Before this iOS 10 jailbreak demoed by the Luca, your favorites Pangu Team and hacker iH8Sn0w has also successfully demonstrated Cydia for iOS 10 beta versions. However, they also did not released their jailbreak for the public users.

You can check out the new video below  – Cydia installation & jailbreak demo on iOS 10 beta8 by Luca Todesco

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