Andrios Cydia – An Android experience for iOS users.!

Are you like to get a real Android experience? Yes of course, with your iOS device.. Now, your loving Cydia ready to bring it for you. The brand new Cydia app is called Andrios gives an Android inspiration for you iOS device.Untitled-001

Andrios is the best ever Cydia tweak which brings great Android features on Apple iOS devices. So, this app is powerful & simply enough to produce real Android working environment on your iDevice. This means, with an Andrios Cydia app you can turn your iPhone or iPad device to Android-iOS hybrid devices. Therefore, this will be the essential tweak for your Cydia apps collection.

Andrios is a great app which runs lots of Android features on your iOS device. As well as it allows you to fully customize those features in many ways.

Andrios consists of 7 major features in present. More features will be added to it with updates. Actually it is a more in 1 Cydia app that bundled several Android features together. Therefore it can ensure better Android experience for iOS users in many ways. The app also gives you an opportunity to configure each & every sections as you wish. The major features of Andrios Cydia are;

Action Bar

A fully functional 3 buttons action bar like the on android devices.
Left button : go back to the previous app. if it pressed on homescreen, then go to last app used.
Middle button : like home button, close everything / double tap – open switcher / press & hold – activate siri.
Right button : opens the switcher / press hold – clear all appsUntitled-1


Fully functional different looking notification center. Swipe down on top to show switchers view. Swipe up on switches view to show notifications.Untitled-2

Miniplayer Widgets

A functional mini player widget with media controls. It shows album art, song title & album/artist also. You can drag it anywhere on your screen. Double tap on the widget to disappear & double tap again to appear it back.Untitled-3

Power Menu

This brings Android’s Lollipop and KitKat power down option on your iOS device. The full featured power menu with options for power off, airplane mode, respring, reboot, Silence mode, vibrate mode & change the ringer volume.Untitled-4

Search Widget

Google search widget, it can be dragged anywhere on the screen. You can pin it to the homescreen. When you search Google through the search widget, a web view will pop up with your search results including buttons for back, forward, home, open in safari & close button. The Siri is also functional & just tap on mic icon to activate.Untitled-5

Volume Slider

The volume slider to turn volume down or volume up.

Switches Widget

Widget of switches (WiFi, Bluetooth, location services, do not disturb, auto brightness) to turn on/off.Untitled-6

The Andrios is developing by the BrandDev & Logan O’Connell. Great job! They have worked hard to make our dreams come true. Andrios is now available in Cydia. You can download it through BigBoss Cydia repo (cost $3.99)

So, invites to Android lovers download & install Andrios for you idevice & get a different Cydia jailbreak experience. Please comment below what your feel…

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5 Comments on “Andrios Cydia – An Android experience for iOS users.!

  1. Hi, I have an ipad and the reason I want to use an android app is to use automate or android auto. Will this work?Thanks

    • Hi Joaquin! this is about the Cydia app (iOS) which gives some Android features for iOS users. Unless, you are unable to use Android apps with your iPad

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