Cydia Apps & Tweaks Compatible with iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak
Coolstar has released an Electra jailbreak update for iOS 11 – 11.1.2 with Cydia for public. The jailbreak supports all 64 -bit iOS devices to install Cydia including iPhone X & iPhone 8 as well. Here’s the list of my favorites Cydia tweaks / apps that are compatible with iOS 11 – 11.1.2 Electra jailbreak.
iOS 11 – 11.1.2 Electra jailbreak with Cydia is now stable enough and good time to start installing tweaks & apps. If you are not installed Cydia for your iOS 11 iPhone, iPad or iPod yet, you can find instructions on How to install Cydia for iOS 11 – 11.1.2 with Electra jailbreak toolkit.
Since Saurik hasn’t update Cydia substrate to iOS 11, some tweaks / apps are not working properly with Electra jailbreak. So, avoid installing incompatible or partially compatible tweaks / apps installing with iOS 11 jailbreak at the moment.
Cydia tweaks & apps compatible with iOS 11 – 10.1.2 Electra jailbreak
Note : The tweak is not in a default Repo, then first you have to add the corresponded Repo to Cydia before find the app to install.
- Actual Battery
- AdaptiveKeyboard
- AdaptiveKeyboard
- AdvancedStatusTime
- Aerial
- AlienBlue ++
- Alkaline
- Anemone
- App Percent
- AppSyncUnified – Repo :
- artworkify
- AutoRotate
- AutoShiftFix
- Backspace+
- Badge Customizer
- Battery Percentage For iPod
- BatteryPercentX – Repo :
- BetterFiveColumnHomescreen
- BlurryBadges
- BlurryLaunch
- Bolt
- BootSound
- BounceNotify8
- ByeByeHUD
- CanYouLikeNot
- Cask – Repo:
- Cercube for YouTube
- ChargeMode – Repo:
- ChargePulse – Repo:
- CheeseCake – Repo:
- Circa – Repo:
- CircleIcons
- Classic Badges – Repo:
- ClassicDock
- ClearBadges3DTouch10
- Cleardock
- ColorBadges – Repo:
- Cuttlefish
- Cylinder
- Dark Messages
- Dark Texts
- Date In Statusbar
- DayNightSwitch
- DedupeVariants
- DeleteCut
- DetailedCellularUsage
- Dim
- Disable Game Center Banner
- DisableLockCamera
- DismissAnywhere
- DndMyMusic
- DockAlpha
- DockXI
- DoNotAutoLock9
- DopeSettings
- DownBoot
- Dummypass
- EasySwitcherX
- EclipseX
- EmojiKey
- ExactTime
- ExKeyboard
- FakeClockUp
- FastCopy
- Faster Charging
- FastUnlockX
- Fingal
- FingerTouch
- FirstEditBookmark
- FiveIconDock
- FiveIconDockXI
- FlatsafariURL
- FluidEnabler
- Flame
- Folder6plus
- ForceInPicture
- FreeLoader
- frontcamunmirror
- FrontPage
- GIFViewer
- Glowbadges
- Go.Away.Period.Button
- Growl
- GrowlNotifier
- Haptic10
- HapticKeyboard
- Hid3x
- HideBadgeText
- HideLabels10
- HideSettingsSearch
- HomeGestures
- HUDVibrate
- i8corners
- IAmNoGenius
- Icon renamer
- Icondock+
- Iconoclasm
- Instagram ++
- instagramdownimage
- iPad Cam For iPhone
- iSwipe
- Keyboard Accio
- KeyShortcut
- kotak10
- KuaiDial
- LastLocked
- libcolorpicker
- LivelyClock
- Lockscreen Custom Text
- LSFingerprintFaster
- LucidCamBars
- makerespringgreatagain
- Manila
- ManualCorrect Pro
- Message tag
- MessageColors
- MessageTypingIndicators
- Messenger+
- mimport
- MinimalHUD
- Mint
- Mitusha2
- Moose
- musilyric
- My Music+
- Nightmode9
- No Icon Labels
- No Page Dots 7
- No Spotlight BG Mask
- Noctis11 Beta
- NoFolderBackground
- NoIconLabels
- NoLiveClock
- NoLowPowerAlert
- NoMoreSeparators
- NoPaperLax
- NoSharePlz
- Notchless
- NotiTinter
- NoTrackPadDelay
- NougatFolder
- NoVoiceMail
- NudeKeys
- Numerals
- OLEDification
- Peek-A-Boo
- PerfectFit
- PhotoSize
- PhotoTools
- Pico Banners
- PicoBanners2
- Pigeon
- Pikabu beta
- PIPEnabler
- Placeholder
- PokeGo LS GIF
- Portrait Lighting Enabler
- PremiumPlay
- PullToRespring
- QuickPowerMode
- QuickVolumeHUD+
- Reacherswitch
- RealCC
- respringprogress
- ReturnDismiss
- RomanPasscode
- Rocket Bootstrap Repo: htpp://
- S8Edge
- SafariFullScreenScrolling
- SameStatusBar
- sbflip
- Scothman for Snapchat (Notifications work)
- ScramblePass
- Semperin
- SendProgress
- ShiftCycle
- Shy Page Dots
- SimpleLSiOS10
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- Six Icon Dock For Iphone 6
- Skrollerz
- Slidecut
- SmallVolumeStep
- Smooth3D
- SmoothCursor
- SmoothPop
- Snapchat ++
- SnapchatNoClickbait
- Snoverlay
- SpectrePatch
- Spotifyhistory
- Spotilife
- StatusFolder
- SwipeSelection
- SwipeSelection Pro
- SwipeShiftCaret
- SwitchSservice
- SwitchTint
- System Info
- SystemInfo
- Taptapflip
- Taptic Keys
- TGunlock
- Twig
- TimeReplacer
- unBold
- UnlockSound
- Vibrancy
- VideoPlayerRotatable
- VolumePercentage
- Wallmart
- Watchdog
- Watusi
- WeatherLock
- WGadReomever
- WGradRemover
- WGRadRemover
- Whatsapp ++
- Whoneedsdock
- WiCarrier
- WiJoin
- xbarremover
- YouTube Tools
- Youtubed
- Zeppelin
- 3DNoDiv10
- 69Nice – Repo :
I jailbreaked my 4s but now cydia isnt working It keeps saying missing package: header Also I cant restore my phone as it will update it to 9.1 Please help someone on how to restore without updating and unjailbreaking or fixing the cydia error
Use Cydia Eraser