Apple Released iOS 8.2 for iPhone, iPad & iPod

Finally, Apple released iOS 8.2 final update for iPhone, iPad & iPod devices today. In Apple’s special media event, Tim Cook officially announced iOS 8.2 available for the public to download today onwards. This release of iOS 8.2 now can download & install on your idevice through iTunes or as OTA update.


Important : Update your device using iTunes if you want to jailbreak & save your device memory. Here is the detailed article, How to update idevice to iOS 8.2 as jailbreak friendly?

iOS 8.2 supports to install on;

  • iPhone 4S | iPhone 5 | iPhone 5C | iPhone 5S | iPhone6 | iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPad 2 | iPad 3G | iPad 4G | iPad Air | iPad Air 2 | iPad Mini | iPad Mini 2 | iPad Mini 3
  • iPod Touch 5G

As special, the new update consist of Apple Watch supports for iPhone 5, 5C , 5S, 6, 6 Plus devices. iPhone 4S, iPod 5G & iPads are not supported with Apple Watch. iOS 8.2 also has added Health App improvements, stability Enhancements as well as the bug fixes.

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