iOS 8.3 jailbreak advice for Cydia

Apple has added new member for their iOS family. The new arrival iOS 8.3 – 3rd major update for iOS 8 series is ready to serve your device. So, if you already updated to iOS 8.3 or not, there is a common question for all. iOS 8.3 jailbreak – Ready? How? When? Therefore, we publish this article for all Cydia lovers with regarding iOS 8.3 jailbreak status.


First of all you have to know NO Cydia, as well as jailbreak for firmware version iOS 8.3 at this moment. Cydia is not supported for iOS 8.2 & iOS 8.1.3 also because, they unjailbreakable. The last Cydia available version is iOS 8.2

 iOS 8.3 jailbreak advice for users

All Cydia lovers, those who have jailbroken or willing to jailbreak, need to consider about how to deal with new iOS 8.3 update. Other vice, you loss Cydia & your device’s jailbreak status. Therefore, we like to mention some important points for your safety..

  1. Is your device already jailbroken and install Cydia on it? Strongly recommend Do not try to upgrade your device for new iOS 8.3 version. It will kill Cydia & all feature of it with your favorite Cydia tweaks. Stay away from iOS 8.3. Jailbreak will arrive in the future for iOS 8.3 & then you can upgrade your device as latest.
  2. If you with jailbreakable iOS versions (iOS 8.2 beta 1, beta 2, iOS 8.1.2 or lower versions) but not yet jailbroken your device, invite to take the chance & install Cydia. You also don’t go to upgrade your device to iOS 8.3.
  3. iOS 8.1.3 & iOS 8.2 users – There is no any reason to avoid new update. Your iOS version also cannot jailbreak. Therefore, recommend to update the device with latest firmware & enjoy new features of iOS 8.3. Please don’t use OTA update method & restore your device to iOS 8.3 with iTunes. Then you allow getting Cydia easily without any errors with future iOS 8.3 jailbreak tools.
  4. OK. You are already with iOS 8.3? How did you upgrade your device? Use OTA update? OTA devices not compatible with jailbreak. Therefore you have to restore your device using iTunes if you are willing to jailbreak iOS 8.3 in future.

The best way to firmware update

The right & best way of firmware updating of iOS device is installing fresh full copy of software by replacing an existing firmware. This will put your device as new one. Therefore recommend to use iTunes for restore your device by new firmware. The benefits of using iTunes are;

  • It makes jailbreak ready for idevice
  • It needs less amount of free space from your device memory to install new firmware than the OTA
  • It makes your device faster

How to install iOS 8.3 by restoring with iTunes ?

  1. Install latest iTunes version for your computer.
  2. Connect your device to computer via USB cable.
  3. Backup your device using iTunes or iCloud.
  4. Download iOS 8.3 firmware IPSW file (according to your device).
  5. Open iTunes on your computer and choose your device from iTunes window.
  6. Click “Restore iPhone..”  button in the summary pane while holding down the Alt/Option key (on Mac) or Shift key (on Windows)00restore-iphone
  7. Select IPSW file of iOS 8.3 you downloaded above
  8. Then, iTunes will be installed iOS 8.3 on your device

Now all things are ready to jailbreak iOS 8.3 latest firmware. Time to waiting for a Cydia…

Is this helpful for you? What you think? Comment us…

Update :

TaiG has released jailbreak for iOS 8.3 now. For more info. Click here..

More about iOS 8.3 :

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89 Comments on “iOS 8.3 jailbreak advice for Cydia

        • No brother, jailbreak always brings more features on iOS 8.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.2, or 8.3 whatever it is. just i only said, jailbreak features which are capturing you with iOS 8.1 jailbreak worth for you than the iOS features (without jailbreak) which are getting by the updating firmware from iOS 8.1 to iOS 8.3
          If simply says, do not upgrade your device to iOS 8.3 this time because, no jailbreak for iOS 8.3.

  1. Will stop trying to jailbreak 8.2?
    I did not: who is in version 8.2 (not jailbreak) should upgrade to 8.3?

  2. will you stop try to jailbreak ios 8.1.3 and ios 8.2 and focus to try JB ios 8.3?? I wanna clear it to decide upgrade ios 8.3

    • We highly expect next jailbreak release may focus on iOS 8.3 as well as it will support also for the iOS 8.2

    • There is no jailbreak for iOS 8.3, 8.2 & 8.1.3 versions yet. Therefore, better to upgrade you device as latest & wait for jailbreak

  3. Pangu, evasi0n, and taig have been working on a jailbreak for 8.2 but they decided to throw all that work away to start on 8.3.. Pissing off tons of people who were told 8.2 would be jailbroken. So people like me who updated to 8.2 are stuck with nothing because there’s no jailbreak tool for 8.2!! And now they’re talking about quitting on 8.3 to start working on 8.4!!! I say go ahead piss everybody off again what do you care your making bank doing what you do and you can’t even finish a jailbreak to satisfy your customers?

  4. How to install cydia without jailbreak on IOS 8.3 i have see. Videos on YouTube but they worked from them but when i try it it wont work why?

    • You must jailbreak your device to install Cydia. Cydia without jailbreak is impossible & fake. Don’t be get cheated & always follow official things

  5. ik heb de hele procedure gevolgd maar krijg geen jailbrake heb ook ipws gedownload wat erg lang duurde heb de procedure al velemalen gedaan ook de nieuwe iTunes 8.3 maar toch lukt het niet wat kan ik nog meer doen

    • You need to download jailbreak tool for install Cydia. What is your device model and iOS version. Please Follow our blog your device model to find your solution with guides.

  6. Have iPad 4 os8.3, is jailbreak available? If so, how do I get it please…??
    Trying to see the fight soon……!,!!!

    • Sorry this moment Cydia not support for iOS 8.3. Please share our facebook page to get latest news for Cydia and jailbreaking

  7. Hey there how are you doing!!!
    Ok I will just cut to the point I have been trying to jailbreak my 5s iPhone 8.2 and my 8.3 iPad mini for ever now and I’m not getting anywhere can you help me PLEASE!!!!

    • Sorry.. This time you cannot jailbrak iOS 8.2, 8.3 Devices. We will inform you via our Facebook when tool release. Join our Facebook page for more info..

    • iOS 8.3 unable to jailbreak. Select your device and iOS version to find complete guide for install Cydia. This tutorial guides consist jb file. What is your device and iOS version ?

  8. i cant wait already.i was hoping to jailbreak quickly and get all the resources in app purchase for my faourite game.only jailbreak can help me and im stuck on ios 8.3.i update it on my ipad

    • Sry.. This moment iOS 8.3 devices unable to jailbreak. Join with our Facebook, Twitter pages to get latest news and update

      • Pls let us know when were able to download cydia in 8.3
        Can’t wait too long to download that apps
        Pls give us good news admin

    • Pls wait.. Your iPad 8.3 running devices unable to jb now. Wait and touch with us. Use our webclip app.

    • Wait.. Jailbreak tool out after successful development and testing. Otherwise this may harm to iDevices

    • Espere .. JB é um resultado de Enginnering reversa .. Estes desbloqueio de ferramenta depois de testar bem . Sim, difícil de quebrar a segurança iOS

  9. No! it’s means is Apple release iOS 9 and then Taig release iOS 8.3 jailbreak and Apple release iOS 9 on 8 June

  10. No! It’s means Apple release iOS 9 and Taig release iOS 8.3 jailbreak
    And iOS 9 release date is 8 June

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